November 19, 2020
Save Time with National Life’s Contactless Options
Post offices may be experiencing delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but National Life has plenty of electronic options to get your business processed quickly!
As the postal service continues to operate in a pandemic, mail deliveries to National Life Group may experience delays, but we are committed to enabling you with the information and resources to conduct business efficiently in the current environment.

National Life has many digital options available at your fingertips. Leverage the NLG tools to get your business processed as quickly as possible!
- Remote applications are being accepted – regardless of size.
- Use eApp to complete and submit any application remotely.
- Payments can be made via the Customer Web Portal, via phone, EFT/ACH or by wire.
- Complete the delivery process of the policy via eDelivery to process new business electronically straight from the virtual customer application.
- Two new features help you conduct eDelivery and engage your Client!
For more information on how we’re supporting your business in a changing environment, visit the: