January 18, 2024

Life Insurance with Living Benefits¹: A Lifesaver

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Did you Know?

Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy for American Families²!

“Because the reality is the likelihood of needing living benefits in your lifetime is very high,” says Chaunte Lowe, a four-time Olympian who experienced the benefit of living benefits in her journey of overcoming cancer.

It can be scary to discover health insurance coverage limitations, such as that personal assets must be used to pay for care. Potentially devastating a lifetime of savings and the financial legacy a family built. Layer in potential tax complications of using assets that might have substantial taxable gains, could add additional financial consequences and compound the problem.​ Introducing life insurance with Living Benefits to your clients could make you a lifesaver! 

 Life Insurance with Living Benefits Campaign

Permanent life insurance can also provide liquidity through policy loans and withdrawals and exercising living benefits¹ in the event of a qualifying terminal illness, chronic illness, critical illness, Alzheimer’s Disease or critical injury in conjunction with a coordinated care plan makes sense.

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Living Benefits Campaign

WIN webinar recording you don’t want to miss

WIN’s Breaking Barriers series has provided great information to help improve your productivity and grow your business! Check out, WIN – Breaking Barriers: The Art of Selling Living Benefits a call with a story that highlights the necessity of life insurance with Living Benefits.

Looking for additional articles on Living Benefits? 

Life Insurance You Don’t Have to Die To Use – Living Benefits

In addition to providing a death benefit, optional Accelerated Benefits Riders offer protection while alive¹!

Be Proactive – Cost of Chronic Care and Alzheimer’s

We have recently expanded our suite of living benefits by adding an Alzheimer’s Disease Rider. In addition to the death benefit protection, this rider could help ease the burden if you are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or Lewy Body Dementia. This rider allows for payment of a portion of an insured’s death benefit, on a discounted basis. 

Care Coverage Can Be Complicated, but Preparing Doesn’t Have to Be – permanent Life Insurance

permanent life insurance can provide liquidity through policy loans and withdrawals and exercising living benefits in the event of a terminal illness, chronic illness, critical illness, Alzheimer’s Disease or critical injury in conjunction with a coordinated care plan makes sense.

  1. Living Benefits are provided by no additional premium Accelerated Benefit Riders. These riders are optional, and may not be available in all states or on all products. Receipt of Accelerated Benefit s will reduce the Cash Value and Death Benefit otherwise payable under the policy, may result in a taxable event, and may affect your client’s eligibility for public assistance programs. Riders are supplemental benefits that can be added to a life insurance policy and are not suitable unless the client has a need for life insurance Riders are optional, may require additional premium and may not be available in all states or on all products.
  2. Health Care Costs Number one cause of bankruptcy for American families (no date) American Bankruptcy Institute. 2024