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August 25, 2021

Illustrated Future Policy Actions Page Added to IUL illustrations

Educate your policyholders that they need to take action to implement illustrated future change(s).

A new ‘Illustrated Future Policy Actions’ page will be available for 2019 FlexLife, 2019 FlexLife NL, 2019 PeakLife and 2019 PeakLife NL illustrations on 8/28. The page will display if any future change(s) are being illustrated. Future change(s) include, but are not limited to, changes to Coverage, Death Benefit Option, Premium and Income.

The goal of the Illustrated Future Policy Actions page is to make policy holders aware that the illustration assumes Future Actions are made in the policy that are not automatically processed. If they want the illustrated change(s) to take place, it will require action on their part.


Below is an example of the Illustrated Future Policy Actions Page: