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May 9, 2024

Tell Annuity Clients About Income Doubler!

Potential for doubling lifetime income for five years.

When clients become incapacitated, they sure can use an extra boost.

Clients who own a Zenith Income, Income Driver, or FIT Select Income annuity may be able to use the Income Doubler Rider to double their lifetime income (provided by a GLIR) for up to five years.

Requirements and conditions:

  • The client is unable to perform two of the six activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting, continence, and eating) without the assistance of another individual on a permanent basis.
  • The policy has been in force for two years.
  • The policy has an accumulation value greater than zero dollars.
  • Elected income is based on one life only.
  • No withdrawals higher than the current lifetime income have been taken in the current policy year.


During the Income Doubler period, their lifetime income will double. They will receive this higher amount for five years or until the accumulation value of the policy reaches zero dollars, whichever is earlier.

Once the Income Doubler period ends, the client’s lifetime income will revert to the amount before qualification.

Here’s a hypothetical example*:

Janet** owns a Zenith Income 7 annuity with a Max Bonus GLIR. At age 65, she’s ready to start receiving income in the 16th policy year.

  Janet’s Guaranteed Lifetime Income

*For illustrative purposes only – this does not represent the actual results of the product.

**Not a real customer.

***Assuming Janet qualifies for Income Doubler.