Whether it’s accumulation, lifetime income or guarantees against loss due to market volatility, FIT Single Premium Indexed Annuities offer custom solutions for lump sum premium customers.
- Two customized index crediting options fuel growth potential and protect from market downside through guaranteed minimums1
- Rate Booster crediting options provide higher participation rates or caps
- Unique Guaranteed Lifetime Income Riders (GLIR) are for the FIT Focus Income and FIT Horizon Income products
- Choice of two GLIR options to optimize income or accumulation
- Incapacity-triggered2 GLIR Income Doubler doubles income when it matters the most (not available in California)
- Legacy Death Benefit Rider is optional on FIT Focus Growth and FIT Horizon Growth products
Now, you can help your clients grow and protect their retirement savings to be FIT –
Financially Independent for Tomorrow.