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March 26, 2020

Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself

Staying secure during challenging times.

As the world works to contain the spread of COVID-19, people are looking to find trustworthy information.  Unfortunately, fraudsters are taking advantage of this situation to try and take advantage of you.  Here are some tips to help avoid falling prey to these fraudulent activities.

1. Securing Yourself – Your best defense is YOU.
Fraudsters have learned that the easiest way to get something is to simply ask for it.
If you receive an email message or a phone call that seems suspicious or too good to be true, it probably is.

If you get an unsolicited communication from someone claiming to be with National Life or representing National Life requesting sensitive information such as your agent number, Social Security Number, your client’s policy information or other sensitive information:

  • Do not divulge any information – Call National Life at our official number: 1-800-732-8939.
  • Advise your customers to contact you immediately if they receive such calls then report it to National Life.
  • If you receive a disbursement request from your customer via an email, please confirm the request verbally with your client prior to forwarding it to National Life or:
  • If you receive a call from your customer requesting sensitive information or disbursement request, please confirm that you are actually speaking with the Policy Owner prior to sharing any sensitive information or accepting the disbursement request.

2. Secure Remote Working
When working away from the office, it is important to remain vigilant about security. Here are some tips to help you work safely:

  • Use a strong password to secure your Wi-Fi network:
    • Use a combination of uppercase, lower case, numeric & special characters.
    • Remember, the longer the password, the stronger it is!
  • Password protect all of your devices and online accounts.
  • Utilize Two-Factor Authentication (2-FA) where available.
  • Use Antivirus software that is up to date.
  • Do not click on pop-ups or suspicious advertisements while browsing the internet.
3. What to Do

If you believe that you have been impacted by a fraudulent event, contact National Life Group immediately at: 1-800-732-8939.

Thank you for continuing to Do GoodBe Good and Make Good for our customers during this unprecedented time.