March 27, 2025
Life Insurance Underwriting Guide Enhancements
Here is a brief overview of the changes you can expect to see.
The Financial Underwriting, Insurance Basics & Insurable Interest sections were moved closer to the beginning of the document. You can now find them on pages 9 through 16. Because these sections were moved, other sections will likely now have new page numbers as well.
Life Insurance Underwriting Guide
Formatting changes
- Headings were added and/or adjusted for consistency throughout the document; footnotes were updated.
- Converted financial underwriting requirements from paragraph form to a chart (pages 13, and 19-23).
- Organized pages 19-23 to display requirements on the left column and rate class information on the right column.
Content updates
- Financial Underwriting (pages 12-13)
> Financial Documentation section added.
> Juvenile guidelines for NY and non-NY are now grouped under the same section.
> Wording was adjusted in paragraphs describing juvenile coverage for clarity.
- Life Underwriting Requirements (pages 19-23): ages in “Available Rate Classes” charts updated for Express Standard NT 1, Express Standard NT 2, and Express Standard Tobacco
> Survivorship Life/SIUL (page 22): condensed ratings information
> Term (page 23): condensed from two pages to one page.
- Accelerated Underwriting criteria (Permanent Products) (page 25): added the word “one” in last sentence of Prescription Drug History row for each Elite, Preferred and Select classes:
> “One hypertensive medication allowed and one medication for cholesterol is allowed.”
- Advanced Marketing (page 32): updated wording with minor enhancements.
- Informal Applications (page 34): wording was condensed and updated.
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