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July 29, 2020

Kick off Your Back-to-School Strategy with a LifeChanger Spotlight Nomination

There’s not a school in this nation that has not been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everywhere you look communities are buzzing with conversation about how their schools are re-opening and the incredible educators who are on the front lines. Some will begin 100% on campus, others 100% remote and many somewhere in the middle.

Regardless of the plan, every school has educators who have gone above and beyond to support remote education and student wellness during this pandemic – and they are often the heroes in their communities, the talk of the town.

That’s why your back-to-school marketing strategy should include promoting LifeChanger’s Spotlight Award. This $5,000 award honors educators who’ve put their superhero capes on and risen to the challenge. And so many are preparing to do the same again this year.

Make LifeChanger’s Spotlight Award part of your back to school strategy.

Step 1:
Read up on the Spotlight Award here.

Step 2: Share this flyer with school employees and administrators on campus.

Step 3: Share the Spotlight email with school employees and administrators found on this page.


Don’t delay – nominations for the Spotlight Award close on September 18th. All other LifeChanger nominations close on December 31st.

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