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April 21, 2021

Is Retirement Still a Thing?

Use our latest F* is for Finance video to talk to your clients and prospects about preparing for retirement.

“The retirement question is not just financial. If you don’t plan for it, it will be a hard road.”

We asked millennials, Gen Xers and baby boomers what retirement meant to them and realized there’s a lot that comes up with this question. How you approach retirement as a couple depends on you and your partner’s outlook AND definition of retirement. Watch to hear what these three couples had to say.

Then, use this video to spark a conversation with your clients and prospects during this month for Financial Literacy Month and beyond. You can begin by subscribing to our newest YouTube channel, F* is for Finance and sharing this video and others to your social media platforms (remember to keep messages you add introducing it generic and brief). This allows you to easily supplement your social content and open the doors for conversations with your current customers and new audiences.

Looking for more marketing materials to help get the retirement conversation started?

Visit our IRA Landing Page