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September 5, 2018

Grow Your Business with LifeChanger of the Year!

LifeChanger of the Year is a program founded and fully funded by National Life Group, which recognizes and rewards K-12 educators and school employees from around the country.  This is a wonderful program that allows us to live our values of “Do Good, Be Good, Make Good,” but it is so much more than just a philanthropic effort.

Leverage the LifeChanger of the Year program to increase sales and grow your business!



Life Changer of the Year Toolkit


Contact your local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Parent Teachers Association, School Board, or local schools and request an opportunity to speak for 10-15 minutes about our LifeChanger of the Year program.

Sample script

“Hello, my name is _________________, and I represent Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, a member of  National Life Group.  National Life Group has a program called LifeChanger of the Year that recognizes and rewards K-12 educators and school employees from around the country.  Through this program, we award cash prizes to individuals and schools that make a positive impact in the lives of people in their community.  The grand prize is $10,000, and we award a total of $70,000 annually. I would like to share information about this program and how to nominate LifeChanger candidates with your organization.  Do you have a meeting coming up where I would be able to make a 10-15 minute presentation about LifeChanger of the Year?”

