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June 23, 2021

BasicSecure Might Be Your Clients’ Best Term-to Perm Solution

Four reasons to talk with clients about converting their eligible term policy.

Many families choose to purchase a term policy to provide temporary coverage should the unexpected happen. However, circumstances change, and many families find themselves with different needs that extend well into the future before their term conversion period is up. A term to perm conversion may be just what they need – with BasicSecure Fixed Universal Life being a viable option.

Here are four reasons to convert an eligible National Life term policy to BasicSecure:

  1. BasicSecure offers flexible coverage and premiums with permanent coverage, which let your client increase premiums later if their situation changes.*
  2. Cash value accumulation potential, with an accumulated value enhancement of 0.35%, starting in the sixth policy year.
  3. The cash value earns a fixed interest rate, so it will be unaffected by the markets.
  4. Plus, many optional riders that will allow your client to customize their protection.

Additional Resources

  • Find out why a term to perm conversion to BasicSecure worked for Kerry in her Case Study.
  • Bookmark the BasicSecure eKit for additional information and marketing resources.

*It is possible that coverage will expire when either no premiums are paid following the initial premium, or subsequent premiums are insufficient to continue coverage.