August 7, 2019

Turn Rita’s Nest Egg into Lifetime Income

Consider this…

Your client, Rita, is 58 years old and plans to retire in five years. Working together, you have identified a $1,000/month income gap in her retirement plan. What are Rita’s options to close THE gap?

OPTION 1:  Rita could do it herself.

To increase her income at retirement, Rita would have to deposit $258,782 in a savings account with a guaranteed 3% growth rate. Over five years Rita’s savings will have grown to $300,000. With $300,000 Rita will be able to take a $1,000 distribution each month until age 88.


There is a better solution!


OPTION 2:  Rita could use FIT Guaranteed Income Single Premium Deferred Annuity (SPDA) with the Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider (GLIR).

Rita would only need to deposit $181,332 ($77,450 less than before), to get the same $1,000 a month, and it is guaranteed for life!

14% Bonus Kick Start
This one time bonus kick
starts the Benefit Calculation Base with the Bonus Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider (required).


7% Simple Roll Up
For every year Rita waits to activate her lifetime income or until her policy’s 20th anniversary, her Benefit Calculation Base grows by an additional 7%.


Best of all, it’s GUARANTEED!

IT SPDAs are not available in NY


Visit the FIT SPDA Resource Page for More Details



Call the National Life Group Sales desk at 800-906-3310 Option 1.

