June 21, 2023

The GLIR Doubler: Adding Peace of Mind to Your Customers

Ensure retirement income without worry.

A retirement strategy can help customers ensure they have enough money for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, it can help them to determine how much they need to save each month to reach their retirement goals. Finally, they should plan for unexpected situations to ensure they have the resources to meet their needs in the future.

Saving enough for retirement is something that customers can worry about for their entire careers. They certainly should not worry about making it last the rest of their lives!

Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider (GLIR):

With the Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider (GLIR), you can give your customers peace of mind that their hard-earned savings will last them throughout their retirement years. They can choose between the FIT Focus Income, which provides a 100% predictable lifetime income or the FIT Horizon Income, which provides a stronger potential lifetime income.​

You can also give them peace of mind by informing them that if they require care in retirement, it may be possible for them to receive additional income. A feature included in all GLIRs is the income doublers¹, which can double lifetime income for up to five years if the customer is unable to perform two out of the six activities of daily living.

Peace of Mind Campaign

With our Peace of Mind Campaign, you can better market yourself, your business, and the services you provide. Our step-by-step process and materials will guide you through the process.

Keep checking back as our campaign catalog continues to expand! 

  1. Income Doubler not available in CA