January 16, 2019

See what’s new on the customer mobile app and website

We have new enhancements that were added to the customer mobile app and website!

Indexed Crediting Data Tool – Now for Indexed Annuities
Customers can now see the historical performance of their indexed annuity products. Select a “start date” and “end date” to view performance in both weighted average credit (%) and interest earned ($). They can also see their next interest crediting date.

Interactive GLIR Projections
This new tool lets customers see their projected income at retirement if they exercise the GLIR. Adjust contribution amounts and retirement age to see the impact of these changes. For flexible premium annuities with the GLIR.

Corporation & Trust Registration
Corporations and Trusts are now able to self-register without calling in. All they need is a Tax ID and a few pieces of Insured information.

Agent Portal Updates
Links to both the Indexed Crediting Data (for life and annuity products) and Interactive GLIR Projection tools are now available via inforce lookup—meaning you can see the same tool and data your customer does. The links to each tool will only appear IF your customer has registered for the portal.
