March 30, 2023

In-Case You Missed it – Q1 Campaigns

What are the Quarterly Campaigns, and why should you care? 

Quarterly campaigns are an exciting marketing approach that National Life has developed to help you better market yourself, your business, and what you’re offering. We provide a step-by-step process and the materials needed to get started. Stay tuned as we continue to expand the campaign catalog!

Learn more about the Q1 campaigns

Your prospects may be fearful that their retirement savings just aren’t enough, and they’re not alone, many Americans feel the weight of retirement growing with each passing year. Several factors contribute to a lack of savings after retirement, but a particularly significant factor is the absence of employer-sponsored retirement plans. An individual retirement account (IRA) may be able to ease the weight they may feel and serve a variety of needs for individuals and small businesses alike, but it doesn’t end there:

  • Qualified plan rollovers
  • Roth and Roth conversion
  • Monthly funding of IRA
  • Small business opportunity

IRA Campaign articles you may have missed! 

 Do you Have Annuity Clients who Have Changed Jobs?

Your guidance can help them decide which solution is best for their long-term financial goals if they aren’t sure which is right for them. Find a ton of IRA information, consumer-facing emails, social media posts, presentation kits, and much more!

Have Clients Looking for a Way to Save for Retirement?

When it comes to retirement, some employers don’t offer a 401(k) so your clients may be looking for a way to save for retirement. IRAs can provide a tailored solution to meet customers’ needs with contributions starting as low as $100 a month! 

Did you Know? Retirement Plans can Benefit Employees AND the Business​

Retirement contributions can be simplified with a Simple IRA or SEP IRA plan. Consider Simple IRAs and SEP IRAs, IRS plans designed specifically for small businesses that need a low-cost plan that is easy to maintain. Best of all, in both (Simple IRA and SEP IRA) plans’, employer contributions are tax deductible!​

In addition to a death benefit, the use of cash value life insurance could provide a tax-free resource for retirement.¹ Prioritizing Tax-Free Income may help to reduce potential taxable income from all sources…In addition: 

  • Social Security
  • Cost of Health Care
  • Supporting care needs in a tax-efficient manner.
  • Bridge Income Needs
  • Offset Inflation

Tax-Free Retirement Strategy Campaign articles you may have missed! 

The Ghost of Christmas Future

Remember the Charles Dickens Story “A Christmas Carol”? Unfortunately, for some American’s that ghost is higher taxes in retirement! Permanent life insurance provides an income tax-free death benefit, tax-deferred build-up of cash value and the potential for tax-free retirement income.

Do Your Clients Know the Impact Health Care Costs Could Have in Retirement?

Learn about IRMAA (Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount) by watching a training video about the benefits of a Tax-Free Retirement Strategy using permanent life insurance that can also protect against IRMAA!

Throughout the first quarter, the Advanced Markets Team delivered education, tools, resources, and sales opportunities addressing questions such as:

What types of benefits do qualified plans offer to small business owners?

How can I help design a Qualified that most closely aligns with the goals and objectives of my business owner clients?

How has recent State legislation provided the opportunity to expand your business?

Qualified Plan Campaign articles you may have missed!

Maximize Business Owner Tax Savings Through Qualified Plans

In addition to retirement savings and employee morale, Qualified Plans help businesses save on taxes, which is particularly important right now. Clients can choose from a variety of qualified plans. But which one best fits the employer’s objectives?

Act Now to Turn Tax Losers Into Winners

A special provision in the tax code may provide your business owner clients with even more tax savings if they establish a qualified plan.  Work with your client’s CPAs to ensure that your client is able to take advantage of this deduction now!

Why You Should Include Life Insurance in Qualified Plan Designs

In many qualified plans, life insurance can play an important role in meeting the client’s needs. Rather than relying on after-tax dollars to purchase life insurance outside of the plan, participants can use pre-tax contributions for policy premiums instead.


Important: For case consultation and point-of-sale support, speak directly with an Advanced Markets team member by calling  1-800-906-3310, Option 1.


Important campaign links 

Tax-Free Retirement Strategy


Learn more about IRMAA and how you can help your clients plan for the potential impact that IRMAA can have in their retirement! Watch a video by our very own, Lyndon Clark, Agency Sales Consultant with National Life Group.

1.The ability of a life insurance contract to accumulate sufficient cash value to help meet accumulation goals will be dependent upon the amount of extra premium paid into the policy, and the performance of the policy , and is not guaranteed. Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit and may result in a taxable event. Withdrawals up to the basis paid into the contract and loans thereafter will not create an immediate taxable event, but substantial tax ramifications could result upon contract lapse or surrender. Surrender charges may reduce the policy’s cash value in early years.