December 7, 2022

Drum Roll, Please! šŸ„ For Every LifeChanger Nomination, Weā€™ll Donate toā€¦

We're giving back to our LifeChanger community this holiday season

For every nomination we receive from now until December 31st, weā€™ll make a donation to a nonprofit organization started by one of our very own LifeChangers. Your nominee can choose which of the featured nonprofits will receive a donation in their name.

The holiday season is the best time to nominate a K-12 teacher or school employee for LifeChanger of the Year. Itā€™s a great way to say thanks for all they do throughout the year and to support a worthy cause at the same time.


Letā€™s take a look at the nonprofits 

Camp Shout Out: Youth Who Stutter 

Julie Raynor started Camp Shout Out after her daughter developed a severe stuttering problem. The camp offers youth who stutter a therapeutic, interactive experience in a traditional overnight camp setting. The program also provides hands-on education training to speech-language pathologists and graduate students. The funds donated to Camp Shout Out will be used to develop a free film that guides teachers in supporting students who stutter in the classroom.

Lovely Ladies of Laurel
Celeste Hill started Lovely Ladies of Laurel after one of her former students tragically took their own life. She continued to observe a pattern of extremely low self-esteem among her students, so she established a mentoring program in the State of Maryland that supports youth by using social-emotional learning strategies.

Helping Hands Ending Hunger
Annette McCraw started the Kemp Primary chapter of Helping Hands Ending Hunger in Clayton County, Georgia. This nonprofit empowers students to recover uneaten food from school cafeterias to alleviate childhood food insecurity, reduce food waste, and shape a healthier world. The funds donated to Helping Hands Ending Hunger will provide fresh food and supplies for the food bank in Clayton County.

ā€˜Tis the season of giving, so join us in giving the gift of appreciation to an educator you know and help us give back to the LifeChanger community too!

Nominate a LifeChanger