October 17, 2024

Securing the Golden Years with Retirement Strategy FIAs

Tackle a trio of financial risks for retirees: longevity, inflation, and market volatility.

Why your clients’ retirement strategy should include a Fixed Indexed Annuity FIA:

  • Enhanced Growth Potential: Fixed Index Annuities (FIAs) allow clients to benefit from market growth without directly participating in stocks or equities. Interest is credited based on the performance of a market index, like the S&P 500. This structure offers clients the potential for higher interest credits in rising markets while protecting their principal from losses in declining markets1.
  • Downside Protection: In today’s volatile market, it’s essential to safeguard your clients’ investments. FIAs are designed to ensure that while clients may not earn interest during market downturns, their cash value remains intact and will never be reduced due to a down market.
  • Guaranteed Retirement Income: FIAs can provide clients with a reliable income stream during retirement, helping to supplement pensions and address income shortfalls. Research from the Insured Retirement Institute shows that 95% of consumers express strong interest in annuities that guarantee monthly income².

Upside Potential

Fixed-indexed annuities offer clients the benefit of earning interest based in part on changes in a market index. In the event that the market performs well, they have a more significant potential for earning interest than a fixed annuity. They also have the protection of the floor, so when the index performs poorly, the client will never experience lower than 0% interest crediting. Use the following pieces to help your clients understand how this works:



Guaranteed Income Stream and Proven Results

Proven Results is useful for demonstrating historically how the indexes performed in order to resolve a gap between a client’s current earnings and what they will need in retirement. With the Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider, clients will be better prepared to help fill that void during their golden years.

  1. Assuming no withdrawals during the withdrawal charge period. Rider charges continue to be deducted regardless of whether interest is credited.
  2. Insured Retirement Institute. (2023). IRI Research Finds Consumers Prioritize Retirement Income and Asset Protection More Than Growth.

Standard & Poor’s®”, “S&P®”, “S&P 500®”, and “Standard & Poor’s 500™” are trademarks of Standard & Poor’s and have been licensed for use by National Life Insurance Company and Life Insurance Company of the Southwest. The S&P Composite Index of 500 stocks (S&P 500®) is a group of unmanaged securities widely regarded by investors to be representative of large company stocks in general. An investment cannot be made directly into an index.