August 8, 2024

Registration opens August 14th for the Fall CPA Symposium

Keep an eye on your email for this important announcement.

Growth Through Partnership

When you adopt an integrated financial services business model, you have the opportunity to expand your business, generate additional income, and offer the financial products and solutions that your clients want and need.

The CPA Symposium sets the stage for you and your CPA partner(s) to do just that by providing an innovative approach to understanding the tools, resources, and support available to help clients meet their financial objectives through your partnership.

Reach out to your CPA Partners now to invite them to the event.

Check out what these Symposium Alums have to say!

Angela Ashley, Unique Business Planning, LLC
Benefits of attending the CPA Symposium with a partner CPA?

Allan Koltin, CPA, CEO, Koltin Consulting Group, Inc.
How does attending the CPA Symposium benefit CPAs?

Kevin Lee, CPA, K4 Accountants
Why would you recommend attending the CPA Symposium?

Registration Requirements

To be considered and register successfully, all agents must:

  • Be in good standing with National Life Group
  • Have submitted business in the past year
  • Register and attend with at least one CPA partner, and pay the associated registration fee


Per-person tuition includes registration, seminar materials, hotel stay for 3 nights, welcome reception, and meals as indicated on the meeting agenda.
Attendees are responsible for their own airfare and ground transportation expenses.

Date: Sunday, November 10 – Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Arrival and Welcome Reception on Sunday, November 10. Full-day sessions on November 11 & 12, half-day on November 13. Departures the afternoon of November 13.

Location: Vdara Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas, NV

Course Level: Intermediate | Delivery Method: Group Live | Prerequisites: None | CPE Credits: 16

Tuition: $850

Refund policy: If an insufficient number of registrants forces the program’s cancellation, each participant will be notified. The decision to cancel a program is made one week before the scheduled date. Full refunds, where applicable, will be made.

Complaints: Complaints should be submitted in a written format to the program sponsor. Cases will be addressed on an individual basis. National Life Group (NASBA I.D. #103339) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. The State Boards of Accountancy have final authority on accepting individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

We look forward to seeing you in Las Vagas!