August 1, 2023

Putting “Success” in Succession

How a buy sell agreement provides certainty for a business despite many uncertainties in its future.

Business owners are well aware of the myriad of uncertainties surrounding their operations. But one thing can always be counted on, they will eventually be faced with a business succession event. A business succession event could be triggered by a variety of things such as an owner’s death, disability, or retirement. Without a plan in place addressing how the business will transition in such an event, the successful continuation of the business could be jeopardized.

A buy sell agreement outlines how the ownership of a business will transition should it be faced within a succession event, thereby increasing the probability of a successful continuation.

Implementing a buy sell agreement and funding it with life insurance creates more security for a business and provides its owners with peace of mind.

To learn more about the importance of a buy sell agreement and how to effectively communicate this to your business owner clients check out the video below as well as the other marketing resources.

For more on this topic –

Join the Advanced Markets Team as we take you through the Interactive Buy Sell Storyboard and highlight the importance of establishing a buy sell arrangement, keeping it updated and funding it appropriately.

The Buy Sell Storyboard

Presented by Bryan Pritchard
Wednesday, August 9
11:00 a.m. ET, 10:00 a.m. CT

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