April 6, 2022

Mandated Workplace Retirement Plans: SIMPLE IRA Simply Makes Sense

The IRS is handing you an unprecedented opportunity to grow your business.

There is legislation impacting small business owners across the country.  Several states already mandate small business owners to provide retirement plans to their employees; other states will follow.

It goes like this.

  • Small business owners who do not have an employer-sponsored retirement plan must provide one.
  • They can adopt their state plan or they may adopt an alternative workplace arrangement plan that better suits the needs of the employer and employees, and then file for state plan exemption.

Business owners need your help!

They have a decision they must make; however, many do not know that they have the option to choose an alternative benefit plan that may better suit their needs.

In an environment that is challenging to attract and retain high-quality talent, small business owners’ employee-centric and customized retirement plan may be a prospective employee’s deciding factor.

Your conversation:

  1. Starts with small business owners to discuss how an alternative benefit plan may better suit their needs. Your business grows.
  2. Continues with their employees to discuss their financial needs beyond workplace benefits.  Your business grows.


National Life is equipping you with what you need to take full advantage of this opportunity.
The resources you need to start the SIMPLE IRA Simply Makes Sense conversation are here!

IRA Landing Page


IRS Retirement Topics – Automatic Enrollment
Which states have mandatory retirement plans?