May 18, 2023
Honoring and Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Month With…
Some key multicultural material: Benefits of owning a U.S. Life Insurance Policy Brochure & Guidelines.
The Foreign National Market by nature has various risk factors that require continuous monitoring.
As a result of recent favorable global changes, National Life Group is now willing to once again accept Foreign Nationals who travel to the U.S., with plans on returning to their country of residence as long as the country of origin is not a level 4 travel warning status (per the U.S. State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs. Find more information here). All applicants will have to be in the U.S. for 14 days prior to taking the application and exam. NLG will verify the 14-day period internally.
The normal Foreign National requirements remain in place:
- Established U.S. Nexus (3 Months minimum)
- Global assets can be considered once the US Nexus has been established
- All Applications and Exams must be completed in the U.S.
- A completed Foreign National Questionnaire must accompany the application
- A copy of insured’s passport may be required
- A and B countries of origin are the preferred market
- Permanent Products Only (Minimum face amount 500k – Maximum Face Amount 15 Mil)
- Premium payments must come from a US bank
- A POA cannot be utilized for verifying the health status of the Proposed insured and should only be leveraged for policy delivery (IE Exams or Health of Statements)
Benefits of Owning a U.S. Life Insurance Policy Brochure
Foreign Nationals Underwriting Guidelines

Underwriting Guidelines in English (Cat #69798)

Underwriting Guidelines in Chinese (Cat #103058)
Access our Foreign National Guidelines (pages 32-35) here.
Note: this directive is intended for Foreign Nationals only and does not include U.S. citizens traveling abroad.
As The Foreign National Market continues to be very fluid, NLG will conduct ongoing surveillance and reserves the right to modify our position as the market dictates. For questions regarding our Foreign National procedures, please contact your Underwriting Director or Jay Tildon at or (802)229-3822.