August 10, 2023

Empowerment With WIN

A self-defense and safety awareness class is taught by Stacey Mitry, a former FBI agent.

The storms in Vermont could not stop the ladies (and a few gentlemen) on the NLG Vermont Campus from sharpening their self-defense and safety awareness skills. In a 2-hour class lead by Stacey Mitry, formerly of the FBI specializing in Crimes Against Children (CAC), teammates both in-person and remote were able to hear important messaging for being aware of their surroundings when in public locations while also collaborating on ways they are already proactively creating a safe environment for themselves and others¹. After the hour-long information session, Stacey lead the group in some easy maneuvers to escape the grip of an attacker. The group would quickly realize that that they felt stiff doing these unnatural movements. Stacey encourages repetition and practice so that your body will instinctually know what to do in midst of the natural fight or flight moment. Ultimately these classes looked a little different than anticipated due to the unexpected flooding which devastated Vermont. But attendees and Stacey made the best of it, and teammates have all walked away feeling a little more confident and a little more stress free after a few punches on the punching bags.

“You can really do anything that you set your mind to, with preparation, planning, and hard work. If you told me in college I would be finding children who had been missing for years, or I’d be a Supervisor at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., or I’d be empowering girls and women globally, I wouldn’t have believed it. Recognize that you are capable and go for it.” – Stacey Mitry



WIN would like to offer a special thank you to Chris Destito, Head of Security, who in his short time at the organization has not wasted any time to create excitement about safety and security in these unprecedented times. We would also like to thank Scott Rogers, Head of Facilities for making such an exciting class part of the NLG culture.. while also pivoting the Do Good Fest and keeping teammate warm and dry. Lastly, Stacey Mitry for joining us from Sweden just to share her wealth of knowledge in a fun and invigorating way.


  1. Stacey Mitry is a former FBI Agent where she proudly served for 10 years specializing in Crimes Against Children (CAC) matters. A BS in Psychology prompted the start of her career working in Juvenile Probation. A certified FBI Firearms Instructor and Defensive Tactics Instructor, she served on the San Francisco SWAT Team as a Sniper making her the first female to hold that position. She also served as a hostage negotiator before she was promoted to Supervisor at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. with the CAC Unit under the Violent Crimes Section. She pioneered the Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team, while overseeing CAC matters nationwide. She now uses her knowledge, skills, and experience to empower women and girls around the world while raising two adventurous daughters. She also writes curriculum for a global security firm, has completed a manuscript about one of her most prolific cases, and is a keynote speaker for international organizations. She’s been featured on Fox News Live, WFAA ABC 8, SRF 9, Berner Bār (Switzerland), and twice on America’s Most Wanted as a Case Consultant.