May 30, 2024

Dollar Cost Averaging Gives Competitive Edge

Freedom from one-day crediting.

Did you know that our Single Premium Deferred Annuities (SPDAs) are the only ones on the market with a Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) option?

Why is DCA important to your clients?

  • Prevents all interest changes from being tied to a single anniversary — there are 12 indexing starting points instead of just one¹.
  • Clients can earn between 2.5% and 4% on their premium until it is allocated into an indexed crediting account(s) depending on the SPDA chosen².

Talk to your clients interested in a Single Premium Deferred Annuity about the advantages of Dollar Cost Averaging.



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  1. DCA Rider (Dollar Cost Averaging) does not guarantee an advantage over annual crediting method.
  2. Current credited rates subject to change.