August 15, 2024

Resources to Build Your K-12 Prospecting Toolkit

From sharpening pencils to sharpening minds.

As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s not just students who are gearing up for a new year of learning. Educators also need to spend time understanding and learning about their retirement options. As an agent, you can leverage a variety of materials to better serve the educator market. Here’s a look at some of the key resources available to help you make the most of the back-to-school season.

Online Resources and Tools

National Life Group has developed E-kits that compile numerous resources such as brochures, flyers, and client approved presentations, into one location so you can stay informed and provide timely information to prospective and existing clients.

  • Present e-kit: A guide to assist when you are on-site with K-12 school district employees.
  • Engage e-kit: A guide to assist when you are connecting virtually with K-12 school district employees.

Along with our E-kits, National Life Group’s Agent portal has a dedicated section to our retirement business. In that section you can find the following:

Educational Videos

Videos are a powerful tool for engaging clients and explaining intricate details in an easy-to-digest format. The following videos are specifically geared to the K-12 marketspace to help you open opportunities and go deeper within your plans.

  • Plan Choice: A video you can shared with key decision makers within a plan to encourage multiple vendors within a plan.


  • Solutions Built for You: A video you can send to plan participants to educate them on the importance of saving for retirement and National Life Groups solution.


Brochures and Printed Materials

Printed brochures are a timeless resource that can be incredibly effective. They provide a tangible way to share detailed information about the importance of saving for retirement and the solutions National Life Group offers.

  • Co-Brand On Demand: A comarketing platform that allows you to add your brand and contact information to a library of pre-approved marketing pieces.

Embrace the back-to-school spirit! By leveraging these tools, you can provide K-12 employees with valuable information they can use to make informed decisions about their retirement strategy.