November 30, 2023

College Students Home for the Holidays?

Foreign national college students in the United States can be considered for life insurance.

Yes, that’s right. Not all insurance companies are created equal, though. Some rise to the top by recognizing that the U.S. is a diverse nation. National Life Group offers a flexible underwriting platform for students with F-1 and F-2 visas.

An Interesting Fact: 

There are more than 1 million international students enrolled in the U.S., making up 6% of the total student body.*

Top Five States Where International Students Live:*


  1. California — 16.5%
  2. New York — 11.5%
  3. Texas — 7.5%
  4. Massachusetts — 7.2%
  5. Florida — 5.7%





Foreign Nationals Underwriting Marketing Campaign

The Foreign National Underwriting Campaign aims to increase awareness of the benefits of owning U.S. life insurance for foreign nationals who are not U.S. citizens. As part of the campaign, National Life insurance products will be marketed to a culturally diverse market with marketing materials that will assist in identifying opportunities and providing helpful collateral.

Access these Campaigns anytime on the Agent Portal, Marketing, Sales Concepts.

Foreign Nationals Underwriting Campaign

*Source: International Students Studying in the United States: Trends and Impacts, Boundless Immigration 2023