September 18, 2024

5 Reasons to Sell TotalSecure

It’s the most flexible whole life Insurance in the industry.

TotalSecure combines the benefits of traditional whole life insurance with flexibility: It offers a choice of riders so that your clients can tailor their coverage to meet their specific needs.


Here are five selling points of TotalSecure:

  1. Strong Guarantees
  • Guaranteed death benefit.
  • Guaranteed cash value accumulation.
  • Premiums that are guaranteed never to go up.


  1. Industry-Leading Flexibility
  • Flexible payments: Policies can be designed to be paid up on any schedule. With Excess Premium, clients can shorten how long they pay premiums for — and speed up growth.
  • Six dividend options: Choose from Internal Paid-Up Insurance (unique to National Life), Paid Up Additions, Applied to Premiums, Flex Term, Cash, and Help on Deposits.
  • Cost management: Reduce the cost of the death benefit by using Flex Term.


  1. EZ Underwriting
  • Your clients may be eligible for coverage up to $3 million without medical exams or fluids.
  • Available for all rate classes.


  1. Choice of Riders
  • Additional Paid-up Life Insurance Rider.
  • Guaranteed/Additional Insurance Option Rider.
  • Exchange to New Insurance Option Rider.
  • Beneficiary Insurance Option Rider (NL only).
  • Level term riders, convertible without additional underwriting (up to 9 times the base face amount).
  • All clients get a full suite of Living Benefits, including the Alzheimer’s Disease Rider, at no extra cost.


  1. Access To Cash Value
  • Clients can take loans or make withdrawals after the first policy year.


Learn More


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Meet Jennifer
Cat No. 104410
Meet Bruce
Cat No. 104411
Meet Marc
Cat No. 104412


Guarantees are dependent upon the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Riders are optional, may require additional premium and may not be available in all states or on all products.